Added this to the front of previous T - Shirt print, after I read
this post. The legalities of copyright are pretty mind numbing to me, but I was struck by this phrase as I scrolled through a related link on the creative commons concept. That being to promote creativity people may willingly relinquish, "some" or "all" of the legal rights to their work. And as I thought about that phrase, I wondered about the broader implications... I thought it was quite a good counter point. The idea that we reserve no rights for ourselves. That we might willingly relinquish the "reservation" (protection - control - defence?) of our rights to give people the space and freedom to choose to give them to us? Looks great on a T- Shirt, how about when my "rights" are actually threatened? My standard of living? my work entitlements? My access to medical care? Theres a difference between rights being available, or given freely, and rights being "reserved." Are yours and my rights, as artists and people, "reserved,( thereby excluding others) or "upheld," thereby including others?