During my classes in St Albans, I get pretty bored. This boredom means that I tend to fill pages with doodles and manic scribbling. Some of them looked interesting to me, so this work in progress is something I have been working on this weekend. The photo doesn't really do it that much justice, as it is eight A3 pages of bleed proof paper taped together and hung on my lounge room wall. So its pretty sizable.
It makes me think of how cities are sometimes these random patterns of structure that build up over time. ( except in the case of Canberra, as a friend pointed out last night:) There is very little planning as dwellings and buildings are constructed, ad hoc, as needs arise. Kind of archaeological, kind of topographical. Abstract. Also reminds me of circuit boards. Things connecting, yet random. Purposeful , yet purposeless.
Lets see how it goes:)